Movies & TV

Disneynature’s Chimpanzee

For Oscar, every day is an adventure.

DisneyNature chimpanzee Oscar
Another amazing documentary from Disneynature, Chimpanzee follows Oscar, a young chimp, as he discovers all there is to learn about his jungle home: collecting food, staying dry when it rains, climbing high in the trees, making a bed at nightfall…all while being cared for by his loving mother. Trust me: cuteness abounds.

But when tragedy strikes the group, Oscar must find a family member who will take him under their wing, in order to survive. His heartbreaking search will leave you routing for him all the way.

The film was shot over three years.
A portion of the film’s opening week proceeds is set to be donated to the Jane Goodall Institute for the “See Chimpanzee, Save Chimpanzees” program to help protect the animals and their homes.

DisneyNature chimpanzee

Here’s the run down:

Action: Definitely! With the hunt for food comes the competition for food and Oscar’s family will fight for what they need to survive.

Drama: What family drama! You may need to hold back the tears for the journey of this little chimp to find where he belongs in this world.

Cuteness: CAUTION: this may leave you wanting to take Oscar home with you–he is WAAAY too adorable as he climbs all over the jungle.

DisneyNature chimpanzee

CHIMPANZEE is now out for home viewing. Check it out!

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