
10 Tips For Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Relief

foot massage

Neuropathy refers to the nerve damage caused by diabetes. About 50% of all people with diabetes suffer from neuropathy. Neuropathy exists in several types. Some affect body organs such as the eyes. Peripheral neuropathy affects your feet or hands. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include numbness, tingling, and pain. Although this type of neuropathy varies from one person to another, it becomes common the longer you have diabetes. As such, it is wise that you learn how to maintain the condition and prevent it from getting worse. Here are ten tips for diabetic peripheral neuropathy relief.

 Control your Blood Sugar

This advice may seem obvious, but it is worth repeating. The primary cause of diabetic nerve damage is poor control of blood sugar. Controlling your blood sugar prevents diabetic peripheral neuropathy. If you already have the condition, proper blood glucose control keeps it from worsening. Ensure you eat a healthy diet and strictly follow your medication or insulin directions. You can also consider involving a professional dietitian to help you plan your meals.


Your doctor can recommend over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. You can access these drugs at your local pharmacy without a prescription, but they can cause side effects. Ensure that you use a low dose for a short time to control symptoms. Antidepressants are also useful because they impact the chemicals in your brain that allow you to feel pain.

Care for your feet and hands

Peripheral neuropathy can affect your ability to feel pain. As such, you need to inspect and clean your feet and hands as regularly as you can. Check for cuts, sores, and any other problem even if you feel fine. You may get an infection, and if it goes unchecked, you may develop severe complications. Use warm water to clean you wash your feet and ensure you completely dry them afterward. You can use lotion to keep them moisturized, but do not apply it between your toes.


Always wear shoes that are comfortable, fitting, and flexible. The shoes should give your feet room to move. Take care not to hurt your feet when trying new shoes. Ill-fitting shoes can irritate your feet even without you feeling. Involve a podiatrist to help you find the best shoes for you.

Do not go barefoot

Walking barefoot increases the chances of your feet getting hurt. Even if you have to go to the beach, do not walk barefoot. If you walk barefoot, you may get a cut and not realize the harm. Untreated wounds may lead to other complications, which may lead to amputation.


Regular exercise helps your body to circulate blood. This flow of blood can help in preventing or maintaining peripheral neuropathy. However, ensure you work with a physical therapist who will help you exercise safely to avoid injury.

Consult your Doctor

Experts recommend that diabetic people should see their doctor every three months. If you start experiencing any symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, let your doctor know immediately. Your doctor may then recommend testing for peripheral neuropathy and begin strategies that may help your condition. Your doctor should also inspect your feet for any problems. During your visits to the doctor, bring up any new symptoms that you may be experiencing. Regular checkups with other health professionals such as dentists should also help to maintain your overall health.


Doctors suggest that B vitamins are the best in fighting diabetic peripheral neuropathy. However, you need to add something more to make the treatment effective. Natural and traditional herbs, together with R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, are great ingredients for a supplement. Foods such as carrots, potatoes, and spinach contain low amounts of Alpha Lipoic Acid, and that is why you need supplements. Doctors also relate nerve pain to a deficiency in B-12, which leads to people trying B-12 supplements. Go online and read more about the best supplement for diabetic peripheral neuropathy relief.

Watch out for false products

The pain experienced by people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy may force them to try anything that claims to help. Watch out for products that claim that they are a cure-all for neuropathy. Avoid any information that sounds fishy or expensive products. The best thing is to consult with your doctor before trying any new product.

Capsaicin Cream

Capsaicin is the ingredient that makes hot pepper hot. Capsaicin cream can block pain signals, and this can help people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The cream is available in different forms such as jelly, lotion, and patch. Apply your capsaicin cream on the skin where the nerve pain is extreme, and you will temporarily relieve the pain.

nerve pain

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy does not have any known cure. However, these tips can help reduce the pain.

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