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From Boredom To Stardom: Arden Rose Shares Her YouTube Story

Have you ever gone on YouTube to watch a tutorial on how to properly apply eyeliner and then two hours later you’ve gone through a YouTuber’s entire channel and got tips on blush, eye shadow looks for day to night, contouring your lips, face, neck and chest and now you feel like you and this YouTuber can be BFF’s? We’ve all been there.

We love YouTubers because, not only do they show us cool tips and tricks, but they’re so damn likeable! BufferFest 2015 brought YouTubers from all over the world to Toronto, Ontario for a week of seminars and fun events. We caught up with beauty and lifestyle blogger Arden Rose to chat about her career highlights and her channel.


“It’s a full day of work, that’s primarily why I don’t do that many beauty videos,” Arden shares as she reflects on her latest tutorial. “I just posted an everyday makeup routine which I haven’t done in a really long time. My boyfriend, Will, is a really great director and cinematographer–he does really good stuff with a camera. I just told him you should do this because then I don’t have to do.  That was always my least favourite part–just sitting there and trying to figure out if it was in the right place and if I’m in in focus. That alone, just filming, took us an hour for a really simple makeup tutorial. From there, we edited for about six hours.”

The hard work has definitely paid off for this comedic YouTuber, though, when she surpassed one million superthumbsubscribers; “I think it was December 24, it was literally right before Christmas–best Christmas present ever!” As a big thank you to all of her subscribers, Arden painted her body with 1 million rose pedals; “We were in my friend’s garage and it was really cold because wind kept gusting in. I suffered through it, and eventually went numb, but it was great.”

All of Arden’s success stemmed from her hard work, but started as a creative outlet back in 2008 with her best friend.  “I really wanted to do YouTube because I wanted to act. But I didn’t really have any opportunity in Arkansas so it was my creative outlet that I could go to,” Arden shares. “Now I’m in a position where I live in Hollywood so I can make bigger strides towards ant ultimate goal. My videos changed a little bit more probably because I got a little more mature.”

So join Arden Rose on YouTube as she strives to make her channel a place where people can feel like they can escape, have a great time and relax. ”For me, it was a big thing in high school, I was really stressed out all the time about random things and it would bottle up and the way that I would de-stress, I would go on YouTube and watch people. I want that to be a place where people can just chill, and enjoy something. So just to grow that and keep it organic, and really just make content I love.”


Here’s one of Arden’s recent videos!


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