Real Life | Relationships

Better Accessibility: Making Life Easier For People With Disabilities

wheelchair disabled accessibility
via unsplash

Life can be challenging when you have a disability since you have to be constantly aware of things that, for others, are entirely normal but which might be difficult for you. For instance, growing up disabled can mean having trouble identifying social cues and dynamics can cause you to come across as standoffish to your peers. Becoming disabled might cause you to feel like you’ve lost your identity and that you’re not sure who you are anymore. Feeling empty or useless and having trouble accepting the situation are all very common responses.

Add to that the possibility of social stigma and rejection, and you’ve got a recipe for a tough situation. However, there are many ways to improve the life of a person dealing with a disability. The most important thing is that you need to become aware of the struggles the other person might be going through and find creative and empathetic ways to be of help.

Home adjustments

Living with someone who’s disabled means that your home should be adjusted to suit their needs as well. One of the best changes you should consider is stairlifts. Installing one will instantly provide a disabled individual with better mobility, as well as increased independence. Disabled people hate feeling like a burden and that they have to rely on others for every minute task. Since the stairlift is simple to use, and can be operated by anyone, they can also be used right after setting them in place, with no additional training or extra components required.

The bathroom is the part of your home that’s most likely to cause injuries due to the moisture that tends to accumulate. A non-slip mat in the tub or shower is a must, and you should also consider adding a grab bar near the toilet and the shower to prevent slips and falls. A handheld showerhead can also make washing up a much simpler process. Make sure all paths are kept clutter-free since the extra stuff could also cause tripping and falling.

Sensor night lights register when the natural brightness of the day begins to dim, and they automatically turn on to ensure the darkness isn’t a risk as well.

stairlift cat wheelchair disabled

Better transportation

Getting a stairlift Canada can help with moving more freely around the house, but you must also think about solutions that can work outside the household. Depending on disability, some patients can drive, while others are struggling with impacted mobility that prevents them from getting behind the wheel. Having accessible transportation is crucial for the latter category.

You can look for public transportation options that are accessible to disabled people. Working with advocacy groups that aim to change the situation and introduce more options for disabled individuals is also very important since it means that you can see results much faster. A wheelchair hoist can make your vehicle more accessible for passengers. They are an extremely versatile tool that doesn’t require much effort once adequately fitted into place.

Parking in the specially designed spots is also essential. You should also become aware of the importance of driving responsibly, not just for the people who share the car with you but also for those who are on the road. Pedestrians in wheelchairs or who use other mobility devices won’t have the same reflexes as an able-bodied person, so be mindful of giving them enough time when they cross the street. Rushing or startling them is not only poor manners but can be dangerous.

Accessible workplace

Disabled employees want the security of knowing that their rights are protected and that they can benefit from a self and secure work environment tailored to fit their particular requirements. Legislation and regulations ask businesses to provide accommodation for all employees who deal with a disability, and failing to do so is a direct breach of the law.

Not all disabilities are visible, and you need to remember that as an employer. Even if people aren’t obviously struggling, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t something going on in their lives. Your main goal is to do things differently, meaning that you must commit to investing in tools that can help disabled people do their jobs well and comfortably. Every individual is different, so it helps to talk to everyone and ask them what they think should change.

The entire team should be focused on helping each other and developing solutions to keep everyone safe. Increasing accessibility for job applicants will also help tremendously. A very simple first step is to add accessible technology to your website and any other sites where you’re hiring. Candidates will see that you’re committed to seeking a diverse workforce and taking practical steps to accommodate all those who work for you.

Long-Term Disability

Continuous learning

Every learning process takes place gradually, and you cannot expect it to occur all at once. You must give yourself room to learn and be willing to improve your knowledge. Don’t take it personally if someone corrects you, but rather as an opportunity to learn and develop. You should always strive to learn directly from disabled people instead of making assumptions since they might turn out not to be true.

It’s always better to learn directly from the source since you’ll get a new perspective and insights into what it means to be disabled. Letting the disabled people around you have a voice and actually tell you what help they need should be a priority. If you see something wrong or unjust occurring, don’t hesitate to step up and try to remedy the situation.

You can also fight against misconceptions and stereotypes and try to educate those that you see display them. This lengthy process must be approached with empathy and knowledge, and while you might not be able to change all minds, you could change some of them.

To sum up, becoming an ally to disabled people means listening to them and becoming more educated on the issues individuals and communities face. Only then can you actually help and start making a difference.

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