Movies & TV

And So It Ends: “Breaking Dawn – Part 2” DVD Review

  Irrevocably in love.


The Twilight movie franchise, that epic human-vampire-werewolf love triangle saga, has come to an end.
Breaking Dawn – Part 2 is now available on blu-ray and DVD.

Special Breaking Dawn Features:

1) 7-part documentary called “Forever” about the making of this last movie: for all die-hard fans, this is a must-watch. They go through everything from the CGI of Renesmee, to the character development from the actors’ perspective, to set design, costume choices and more. PLUS, you get to see some of the bloopers mixed in with behind the scenes footage!

2) Two films at once: a short segment about how they filmed both part 1 and 2 at the same time, so that the actors had to switch back and forth in time–which would have been extremely difficult for a totally transformed character like Bella.

Bella Breaking Dawn Part 2

3) Jump to: get right to your favourite scenes with this feature

4) Commentary with director Bill Condon

5) Green Day music video


Whether you’ve read the novels, seen the movies or are a self-admitted Twihard, fans of the billion dollar Twilight saga will be coming together for one last hurrah. Breaking Dawn – Part 2 brings an end to the fantasy world Stephanie Meyer created that millions of people around the world have come to love.

The film picks up exactly where Breaking Dawn – Part 1 ended—with Bella waking up as a newborn vampire, with flawless, sparkly-in-the-sun skin, commercial-worthy hair and blood-red eyes. She’s welcomed into her new life by the Cullen clan, her husband Edward (sorry Team Jacob, I think all hope is lost by now) and her hybrid daughter Renesmee, the half-mortal, half-vampire Bella gave birth to in Part 1.

Breaking Dawn Part 2

As Bella successfully adapts to being a vampire, learning how to control her thirst for blood and her super-abilities like strength and speed, the Volturi plan for attack, believing that Renesmee is an “immortal child” who would endanger the future of all vampires.

Though Twilight may have come to the end of its reign, there’s no denying it leaves a lasting impression. Memories of the unforgettable characters and their story will only disappear as easily as a bloodstain on a white shirt (so pretty much never).

Breaking Dawn Part 2

Here’s the run down:

Romance: At the heart of the Twilight saga is the dreamy love story of Bella and Edward, and this one doesn’t let you forget that. Now a married couple, the two have many romantic moments together. Of course, everyone’s favourite werewolf with the perfect abs isn’t left without love…

Action: Though action scenes have been relegated to short spurts throughout the franchise, the final film ensures that it doesn’t go out without a bang. Or at least without one big battle that sees the Cullens’ and their friends (including some faithful werewolves) facing off against the Volturi and their army. There are plenty of head-ripping and body-burning fight scenes to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Comedy: During the first films, we may have been laughing at the character’s awkward moments, but now they’re laughing with us. Breaking Dawn – Part 2 turns the tables and goes the extra mile to deliberately include cheesy punch lines and cheeky nods. From Bella’s eagerness to arm wrestle with Emmett to Jacob’s little strip show for Charlie, you’ll be laughing for all the right reasons.

BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 is now out on DVD. Check it out!

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