Cinderella was one of my favourite Disney princess movies. Oh, childhood memories.
I was a bit nervous about seeing another remake because there are so many different versions—the modern day, the musical and the Cinderfella (yup, a male Cinderella)—and I was afraid that this one would be no different from all the others and end up being just another cheesy play on the original movie. I’ m happy to say though, that the 2015 remake is one of my favourite remakes because it stays true to the Disney classic.
You may be thinking that because this movie is so much like the original, it would be a waste of time to see it. Wrong! I learned quite a few new things in this movie that the original didn’t show, like how did Cinderella get her name? Why did the prince have to find a wife at such a young age? And why did Cinderella’s step-mother (Cate Blanchett) hate her?
The Breakdown:
Sorrow: When I see people cry, I cry too. A few minutes into the movie, we already know that Cinderella’s mother isn’t going to live much longer. She tells her daughter to “have courage and be kind” and I pretty much let the water works go. Then, as we know, Cinderella’s father dies a few years later and I’m just devastated for her. She loses her mother, father, her bedroom to her step-sisters and on top of all of that, her step-family is horrible towards her.
Magic: What’s a Disney movie without a little magic? Cinderella’s fairy godmother (Helena Bonham Carter) is a delight! Watching the transformation of pumpkin to carriage, mice to horses and flats to glass slippers was one of my favourite scenes.
Life Advice: No matter how tough Cinderella’s life had gotten, she always had courage and was kind. She kept her mice friends safe, lived in the dirty attic, did the house chores and cared for her not-so-loving-step-family. In the end, she was rewarded with true love and, as we all know, lived happily ever after. This just goes to show that we can find our happily ever after by being kind to others and courageously taking risks.
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