Real Life | School

3 Cool Hobbies for Girls to Get Into in 2020

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When it comes to hobbies, it can be hard to find just the right one. Sometimes the sound of doing something sounds really fun, but then when you try it out you’re just not as into it as you’d hoped. You might even just be having trouble deciding which to choose, or are trying to find a hobby that is unique and well-suited for you.

Here is a list of three hobbies for girls that you may not have considered before, and that you can start fresh this year.

Computer Programming

Hold on a second – computer programming? Your gut reaction may be that programming is too hard to learn, and that it’s something you study in university. In fact, this isn’t true at all – learning how to code can be easy, especially given the right circumstances.

You can sign up for coding courses at Real Programming 4 Kids throughout Southern Ontario and learn all about computer programing in a fun and engaging classroom taught by trained instructors. Class sizes are four students or less and coding is taught through learning about video game programming fundamentals.

Programming languages are incredibly useful to learn, and you may find it more fun than you’d think – so why not give it a try?


Have you heard of geocaching? Geocaching is basically a fun way to use technology to go on a real-life treasure hunt. Caches (which are usually small containers) are hidden throughout the world and people use GPS devices to hide and seek them.

Typically, a cache will contain a logbook and a pen or pencil where the geocacher signs and dates the book with their codename, proving that they found it. Afterward, they put the cache exactly where they found it.

If you’re too young to go out by yourself, ask your family to join you. Geocaching can be a fun way to enjoy the outdoors with your whole family.

Hobbies - Geocaching


Calligraphy may just look like an even fancier version of cursive writing, but it’s actually a pretty cool talent to learn that can be used to decorate notebooks or even personalize cards. Because calligraphy is a form of visual art, many people simple use it to create artistic pieces of work.

There are a number of benefits to learning calligraphy, including that it’s great for distressing and good for your mental health. It’s also a way for you to express yourself creatively, and if other forms of art haven’t worked for you then this may be the one that you’re looking for.

Think Outside the Box

There are so many hobbies out there to explore – do any of these three look interesting to you? Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right one, but it never hurts to try! For your New Year’s resolution, why not pick up a new hobby that you’ve never tried before? You might be pleasantly surprised to find out that you actually do enjoy unique hobbies like coding, geocaching, or even calligraphy.

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