Faze Issue #16 – Avril Lavigne

On The Cover:

Our own Canadian megastar Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne on the cover of Faze Magazine
Buy this limited supply issue now


Table of Contents


Letter from the editor

Letters to the editor


Global Issues: Hot issues from around the world

Oh Canada! & Beyond: Cool New Briefs from Canada and the world


Whaddya Think? What is your fave Summer Olympic sport?

Getting Deep: Q&A’s about stuff that matters

Graffiti: Art or Vandalism

Knowing Peace in Uganda: When violence is all you know – can you change your ways?


Cover Story – Avril Lavigne: Faze’s Interview with Canada’s most famous teen

Out of Your Mouth: Rocking Madonna’s Music

Drama Queens: Lindsay Lohan talks about nasty gossip

Keshia Chante: Is cool with it

Jay-Z: “I did it to death…”


Cool Stuff for Hot Days: Summer essentials to keep close at hand

S.O.S. Save Our Skin: The science of healthy skin

7 Weapons to Help Battle Acne: A simple list

Funky Hair for Fun Summer Days or Nights


Tobago: Discover an island paradise 

Paradise Island Fashion: Our beachwear photoshoot in Tobago with a all-star cast


Beat The Heat: What you need to know so you can keep your cool

Give It A Rest: Catch some zzzzzs so you’ve got energy for the important stuff – like having fun

Taking the Sting Out of Summer: Bug Basics


Cheaters Beware: Gaming designers are leveling the playing field


A Different Calling: Check out some not-so-common jobs


Dreams of Gold: Olympians talk about their path to the podium

Threads of Gold: Some of the clothing technology athletes depend on

Niki Troock – Wake Rider: This wakeboarding babe is out to make waves


Hot Summer Reads: Book reviews 

Horoscopes: What does yours say….?

Rant: Sara, Host of GirlzTV writes about four things holding back career girls

Ask Ed – If You Dare! Ed the Sock answers your personal questions, Ed-Style