On The Cover:
Actress and entrepreneur Jessica Alba

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Table of Contents
Letters from you: You speak out
Global News: Hot issues from around the world
Headlines : News bits with a twist
Hot Pix: What we’ve been up to around town and at the Virgin Festival
Cover Story: Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba stands strong as a Hollywood player while staying true to her beliefs
MUSIC ALL STARS: A VIP pass to newbies and scene faves
Bedouin Soundclash
Carrie Underwood
Dashboard Confessional
Econoline Crush
Simple Plan
Tokio Hotel
THE BEAT: What’s new in music and Hollywood
Adam Sevani
AJ McLean
Edges of Seven
Sean Kingston
Whaddya Think?
You told us your best life lesson learned.
FOR FUN: What are your summer plans?
Getting Deep: Your tough questions answered
Hot List: Great job! People we applaud and admire
My Religion: A Faze reader tells us what she learned in Islamic school
Pay It Forward: Cool volunteer opportunities to help give back
Money Matters: Get your finances ready to pay for university
Retail Work Tips: How to stand out at your job
Turn Your Love of Kids into a Career: Jobs you may not have thought about that have to do with kids
Comes To Life: Breathe life into your wardrobe with springs latest styles
Make It Work: Spring shoes: keep a step ahead of the latest…
Beauty 101 Hair Repair: Bring it to life and get it ready for the sun
Beauty Beat: The latest products to take note of
Knockout: Boxing gets sexy with heavy hitter (and Canadian!) Jessica Rakoczy
Weighty Issues: The skinny on thin and where heavy reigns
Body Talk: The latest in the land of health and fitness
QUIZ: Test your music IQ
Media Room: Potential additions for your personal library
Tech Toys: Gadgets and gear
Up For Grabs!: Loads of stuff you can win!
Horoscopes: What do the stars say about you?
Celebrity Takeover: Jully Black has something to say!
Ask Ed and Red! Ed the Sock and gal pal Red let loose in response to your questions