
8 Foods That Will Make PMSing Suck A Little Less

This pretty much goes without saying: PMSing sucks. There’s bloating, cramps and overall discomfort. But did you know that the foods that you eat leading up too, and during your menstrual cycle, can largely affect the amount of discomfort you experience.Here are some super foods that will make PMSing suck a little less.

1. Nuts and Seeds

Foods like walnuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds are rich in manganese. This helps ease your muscles and causes you to relax. So instead of taking a bag of chips to work, try packing a nut mix instead. Nuts are also rich in protein so it’s a win-win situation.

021 raw pepitas

2. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a good way to crave that sweet tooth without binging on unhealthy foods. Even though it is a chocolate treat, dark chocolate helps relax your muscles – plus it keeps you happier which is good for you and everyone around you..

Dark Chocolate

3. Salmon

Salmon has anti-inflammatory effects that will reduce bloating and cramps. It is also a great source of vitamin D and vitamin B6. These help reduce irritability and breast tenderness. Including salmon into your diet could be as easy as buying a can of salmon instead of tuna – yum, salmon sandwiches!


 4. Brown Rice

Instead of ordering your usual “white rice bowl with chicken” at Chipotle, try the brown rice during your menstrual cycle. Brown rice also contains vitamin B6,  which reduces bloating and eases cramps. I would also ease off of the sour cream and cheese that week, but that’s just me.


5. Tea

Caffeine is a food you will want to avoid during that time of the month because it makes you anxious and causes your body to retain water. So instead of reaching for your daily cup of java, reach out for a healthy mug of green tea. This will help decrease the amount of cramps that’ll be attacking your insides.

Green Tea

6. Pineapple

If your cramps are almost too much to handle, reach out for a slice of pineapple. Pineapple will ease your cramps by relaxing your muscles. This tropical fruit will also boost your mood and make you feel happier.


7. Water

Water is always an important factor. Drinking lots of water stops your body from retaining liquids, which can cause discomfort.


8. Celery

Celery is a water based food that has all the benefits of drinking water in a delicious vegetable. Celery and hummus dip can be your best friend while you’re PMSing.


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