Here is a collection of fun Halloween costumes that are brought to life with some bold hair colour choices.
With Halloween fast approaching, it’s time to get inspired, and get busy. With our friends at Splat Hair Color sending us every colour in the rainbow and more to check out, we’re excited to share these cool costume ideas that are beautifully enhanced by adding colour to your coif. And you can dye your hair with the long-lasting regular Splat dyes, the washable (but bold) Splat dyes, or even the temporary (and fun) hair chalks for accents. All are available at most major outlets in Canada and the US, and are also affordable and easy to use.
From the movies:
Disgust and Joy from Inside Out
Fan fave from Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn
Hunger Games’ Effie Trinket
Leeloo, the fabulous character from The Fifth Element

Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Doll Time…pig-tailed doll (or is it the mascot from Wendy’s?) and Strawberry Shortcake
And who doesn’t like a good unicorn costume, or three?
Nobody has more fun with dyed hair (and wigs) than Katy Perry
Who doesn’t love a good fairy?
A stunning costume, a baroque French lady
And an equally beautiful look from the 1920s
Four great ones from the same Instagramm star, LuveKat: Corpse Bride, Mermaids, Zombie Cartoon
Here are some more great ones from Instagram, @luvekat especially has loads more to admire on her page:
Sugar Plum Fairy
Green Fairy
#ContestAlert #HairInspiration #SplatHairDye
And, having been suitably inspired, now it’s your turn to dye your hair and really experiment with colour this Halloween!
We’re celebrating Halloween 2017 with an otherworldly gift basket from Splat and other great beauty brands!
Post sponsored by our friends at Splat Hair Color (and their colour of the month Lusty Lavender)
Available in Canada through FarleyCoBeauty and their retail partners.
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