
How To Quit A Job? 7 Tips To Leave With Your Head High

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There is nothing as rewarding as quitting a job you don’t enjoy. Leaving a wrong impression or upsetting bosses is always a significant concern, so many people think twice before passing on their resignation letters.

However, some good practices when resigning from a job will allow you to walk away with your head held high and leave the doors open. These are the ones you will learn about in this article.

So, if Mondays come and you feel unmotivated because you have a job that does not make you happy, from what you will read today, you can take action and learn how to quit a job without negative consequences. Take note!

Review your employment contract

If you signed your employment contract without reading a word or no longer remember much of what you read, it might be a good time to dust it off and reread it before quitting a job.

We start with this advice because it is essential to know what is included in your employment contract to know your responsibilities and what the company expects from you. Believe a college paper writer (me), and it’s necessary to review every word in the document! There may be clauses or defined times that would prevent you from quitting a job at a specific time.

But it’s not the end of the world. Just go to the human resources area and ask for a copy of your contract if you can’t find your original document. Read it carefully and make sure you won’t be in breach of any terms or tenure agreements before writing a letter of resignation.

This is the first step to leave with your head held high because what is included in that paper is what you originally agreed to and committed to complying with. If you’ve read your employment contract and are ready to hand in your resignation letter, read on to learn how to quit a job and walk out the door!

Control your emotions

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Most people wonder how to quit a job when something has happened that caused negative emotions, such as a confrontation with their boss or a co-worker problem.

For these cases, even if you hate your job from before, take a breath and count to ten! Don’t let negative emotions at work take hold of you. Otherwise, you could always be remembered for an episode where your anger or sadness was the protagonist, which could turn your resignation process into hell. Nobody wants that!

Learning how to control negative emotions at work can be difficult when feeling humiliated, stressed, or attacked. Still, we assure you that knowing how to do it will benefit your professional and personal life.

Meditation and mindfulness can be great allies when it comes to controlling your emotions. They also have many benefits to improving sleep, reducing stress, and having a better lifestyle. Try these 8 simple meditation exercises and test them whenever you need them.

But suppose definitely, there is a conflict affecting the work environment. In that case, both you and your colleagues can take this online course on positive relationships in work teams in which you can acquire skills that will allow you to build strong relationships in the professional environment.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is not easy to recognize when we are in a toxic work environment, so if you often feel these emotions but do not know why, know what the signs are to leave a toxic job and prioritize your peace of mind. Remember that you always come first!

Be the best employee you can be

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As we said, no one wants to be remembered negatively. Even if you hate your job and have no intentions of staying in touch with your co-workers or bosses, remember that life goes around, and you may run into some people again. So, if you’re wondering how to quit a job and walk away with your head held high, this advice is essential.

Many people become slackers when they know their resignation date is approaching, so they stop performing their duties or respond rudely to their bosses and co-workers. This is an unprofessional attitude if you want to learn how to resign from a job in the best way.

In the days following your resignation letter, your goal will be to be the best employee you can be. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Finish any outstanding projects and stick to your normal schedule.
  • Don’t leave the work on the shoulders of your co-workers or make yourself obnoxious by not wanting to lift a finger.
  • Perform all tasks assigned to you by your boss.
  • Be nice to everyone at all times.

It is also important to keep in mind that you are not alone if you are looking for a way to quit a job. Many professionals in different parts of the world are leaving their jobs en masse. Some have even called this phenomenon “The Big Quit.”

According to BluRadio, this is the name given in the United States and other countries to the phenomenon that has emerged in the labor market with the COVID-19 pandemic, whereby an unprecedented number of workers are looking to quit a job that no longer makes them happy to start their businesses or move on to better companies.

In the wake of this, approximately 52% of millennials and Gen Z are starting to think about how to quit a job and take new directions. So you are not alone in feeling dissatisfied with your job, as current times demand a reinvention of companies, and many have failed to take this vital step.

Talk to your boss in private

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When the day comes to quit a job, the first person who should know about it is your boss or immediate superior. For this, the best thing to do is to schedule an appointment to talk in person and calmly.

Try to be frank and clear about your reasons for leaving, but be very careful with your words! Choose them wisely, and you won’t have any regrets, as emotional intelligence plays an essential role in the resignation process.

Likewise, let your boss know that you will continue working during the days you agree on and hand over your position with full responsibility. This is one of the most important tips if you wonder how to resign from a job and leave with your head held high.

Prepare your formal resignation

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Knowing how to write a resignation letter is fundamental to saying goodbye to your job. This letter says it all, and in it, you should make sure you look as professional as possible, whatever the reason you are resigning.

We suggest that you schedule with your boss the delivery of this document once you have talked to him, maybe even the next day. To do this, take into account the structure of a resignation letter, which should include the following elements:

  1. Greeting and introduction

Begin your resignation letter with basic elements such as the date and the full name and position of your superior. Begin with a cordial greeting (e.g., “Dear Sir or Madam”), introduce yourself, and immediately make apparent the reason for your letter.

  1. Brief development

Without beating around the bush, state the reasons for your resignation letter and when your last day will be. Do not also forget to mention positive aspects of your process in the company; here, you can take the opportunity to say how much you have learned and how much this will help you in your professional future.

  1. Closing

Don’t forget to thank me for everything the company has added to your professional development. This is the space to clarify what you admire about the company and your superiors. Finally, say goodbye with warm words and sign your resignation letter.

If you are about to write your formal resignation, these Word templates with professional resignation letter examples will help you.

Hand over your position impeccably

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An extremely important aspect of learning how to resign from a job in the best way is to pay close attention to the way you hand in your job.

Leaving everything you have done up to the date of your resignation well documented will ensure that the person who takes your position will have more clarity about everything; otherwise, they may continue to look for you or call you even when you have already left and are in the process of looking for a job or even already in a new company.

Keep these tips in mind to learn how to deliver a flawless job post:

  • Store your important files on a hard drive or in the cloud.
  • Organize everything in folders and files with clear names.
  • Leave your space neat and tidy.
  • Gather your belongings a couple of days before leaving, and keep only the necessary items. Avoid spending your final hours cleaning and picking up your things in the office.

Express your gratitude

Finally, say goodbye to your colleagues and friends. This can be one of the most emotional moments when resigning. Wish each of them well and remind them that your departure does not mean your relationship must end.

Also, say goodbye to your boss and superiors with the utmost respect and gratitude, whatever the reason for your departure. Every process teaches us something, and if we are humble enough to acknowledge it, we can identify how much we have learned from each one. This is an extra tip on quitting a job, but no less critical.

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