On average, a person may catch two to four colds a year. Anything more than that and your immune system is not ready to protect you this winter when you are trudging through slush with a drippy nose. Which means you’ll have to consider loading up on your daily intake of veggies and fruits. Here are some fun options to consider this winter:
The more colourful your fruits and veggies, the more antioxidants they have to offer to boost your immunity.Antioxidants speed the production of white blood cells, which fight off infection. So eat a fruit bowl as a snack or munch on a handful of blueberries this season. Did you know a quarter of a delicious cantaloupe supplies as much vitamin A and C as most people need in an entire day? Other great sources are oranges, watermelon, strawberries and blackberries. And if you’re the adventurous type, try kiwi, lychee, guava, or mango.
Try not to go for deep-fried vegetables. They are mostly rendered worthless if you cook them too much. Instead try to make a funky baby spinach salad by replacing lettuce. For ones who like to explore, gently steam broccoli, kale or bok choy (Chinese cabbage) with some salt and minced garlic. Try baking your sweet potatoes and squash to enjoy their natural flavours. Did you know green peas have 25% more vitamin A and C than green beans? That’s a good argument to make at the dinner table if you’d rather opt for peas instead of green beans!
Did you know garlic is a member of the onion family? That would explain ourstrong associations with both their smells. But garlic is also a powerful immune booster that stimulates the multiplication of infection-fighting white cells that ward off infections in our bodies. So this winter, try to find a way to incorporate garlic into your diet. If you’re not a big fan of garlic breath, try other options on this list.
Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are all rich sources of omega 3-fatty acids which are great immune boosters. Essential fatty acids, mostly found in fish, protect your body against damage from over-reactions to infection. If you’re a vegetarian or you’re not a fan of fish try adding one to three teaspoons of flax oil, also a rich source of omega 3-fatty acids, to a fruit bowl or a yogurt smoothie.
Active bacterial cultures in yogurt have shown to increase immunity. They are after all good bacteria called probiotics that already exist in our bodies and actually benefit us. These friendly bacteria helps break down food, synthesize vitamins, process hormones and even prevents a lot of infections. For maximum yogurt boost, try non-fat or low fat versions that enlist live, active bacterial cultures. And the fresher, the better.
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