
The Inside Scoop On Caffeine, The Poison We Love

caffeine coffee beans

Caffeine can increase concentration and counteract fatigue. It is a favourite drug for late night study sessions and long stints of driving. In high levels it can cause insomnia, tremors, anorexia, restlessness, excitement, gastrointestinal disturbance, palpitations, and irregular heartbeats.

Caffeine is a naturally occurring toxin produced by various plants to ward off fungus and microcrobes and also causes sexual sterility in various insect pests, as well as damaging the growth of weeds and other plants attempting to grow in the soil in the vicinity of caffeine yielding plants. Caffeine is known to be fatal to common pets as well, including dogs, cats and birds. In humans, caffeine’s toxicity leads to various responses from the body, as it attempts to counteract and metabolize the poison.

For the average human a lethal caffeine dose is 10 grams (about 200 cups of coffee all at once). Regular caffeine consumption reduces sensitivity to caffeine (habituation/tolerance). Caffeine withdrawal is characterized by irritability, headache, feeling sleepy, and inability to achieve normal level of work. Aspirin may be effective for withdrawal headache. Excessive coffee use may lead to heartburn and gastric reflux (that means fluid in your stomach flows back into your lower throat…mmmm)

According to the National Soft Drink Association, the following is the caffeine content in mgs. per 12 oz (355ml) can of soda:

Jolt 71.2 mg.
Coca-Cola 45.6 mg.
Dr. Pepper 39.6 mg.
Pepsi-Cola 37.2 mg.
Diet Pepsi 35.4 mg.
Canada Dry Cola 30.0 mg.
Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2 mg.
7 UP 0.0 mg.

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