Real Life

Kaizen Philosophy: 5 Easy Steps For You And Your Loved One

It happens that we make plans being imbued with enthusiasm but then do things half-way. The Japanese Kaizen technique will help you to get everything done as its principles can be successfully applied both in business and everyday life.

Kaizen is a method of life management that was first used in Japanese enterprises after the Second World War. The concept consists of the words “Kai” (change) and “Zen” (good) and means continuous improvement.


5S – the five principles of success

An important part of Kaizen philosophy is the “five S” system, which includes five basic steps of work:

• Seiri – sorting.

• Seiton – order, accuracy, systematization.

• Seiso – cleanliness.

• Seiketsu – standardization.

• Shitsuke – discipline.

Simple and effective Kaizen rules can be applied to any business: the organization of the working day, the realization of a personal project, or the lifestyle in general.

Step 1: Sorting

Identify the most important tasks and needs. Focus on them, and give up everything that is unnecessary. This applies to any ideas, tasks, or plans.

We do not always have time to do all the things needed. Prioritizing and being realistic about your potential are useful skills that can help you to focus on things that really matter.

The basic principles of sorting are readiness for changes and adjustment of work processes depending on the situation. It allows you to get a good result without prevarication or delays. Overwork leads to reduced productivity. There is such a thing as “postponed obligations.” In a situation of difficult uncertainty, some decisions can be put off for later, so as not to waste time on rescheduling and unnecessary work. It gives an opportunity to focus on more important and urgent tasks.

Step 2: Order

It means “to arrange important things in a way that makes it is easy to use them.”

In a narrow sense, this rule means maintaining order in the workplace, but it can be used more widely with respect to work and personal life. Just as you lay out things in the workplace, you should set the tasks for a day or a week according to their priority.

As an effective method of systematization, you can use the “board and cards” method. Divide the board into three columns: “Need to do,” “In progress,” and “Completed.” In the first column, sort the tasks by priority and move the cards (for example, ordinary colored note paper) from one column to another as you complete the work.

This is a powerful tool that makes the workflow visual. In addition, it brings emotional satisfaction: when you not only know that everything is done but also feel joy and pride in the performed work. But it is not the only way to feel pride in your work.  The most empowering, beautiful brides for marriage always support and inspire you to new successes.

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Step 3: Cleanliness

Cleanliness is one of the key points of Kaizen philosophy. Clean workplace indicates that there will be no unexpected problems. The same goes for your plans. The expression “to organize thoughts” exists for a reason. Yoga, meditation, walking, a few minutes of solitude and silence, or reading books – use any method that helps you to think calmly and clearly.

Step 4: Systematization

Suppose you are going to learn a new profession, start a sport, or make a profitable personal blog. Break a big task into small easily doable things and make them part of your daily routine. Every little step brings you closer to a big goal. Following the Kaizen methodology, you will quickly notice steady progress that can bring meaningful outcomes in the long term.

Step 5: Discipline

The difference between the Kaizen Eastern philosophy and the Western innovative approach lies in the soft and gradual introduction of new habits. Sharp changes cause stress, which is why the decision to “start a new life on Monday”, as a rule, leads to failure. But observing regularity and giving habits at least a few minutes a day, you enter on the path to great success.

The western innovative way of development and the eastern (Kaizen) are often contrasted, but the secret of success is in their combination. Original ideas and readiness for decisive steps help to make a breakthrough, to express oneself, and get ahead of competitors. However, conscientious daily work — strict compliance with standards, accuracy, cleanliness, and attention to detail — is equally important. It is this routine that creates the basis for durable and long-term success in both business and happy personal life.

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