
Lawn Care Tips: How To Maintain Your Lawn For Every Season

Maintain your lawn in the summer

A lawn provides great visual and aesthetic value to a house. For this reason, taking care of the lawn is an utmost priority in most homes. This, though, can be made difficult by the changes in seasons and extreme weather.

For instance, summers get extremely hot and can turn your beautiful green lawn into an eyesore. On the other hand, there are weeds, pests, and other foreign objects that are always present.

Below are some lawn care tips on how to maintain your lawn for every season.

1. Maintenance During Summer

Climate change has resulted in strange weather conditions such as extremely hot summers. This can have a damaging effect on your lawn. While you can do little to control the external
temperature, there are things you can do to improve your lawn. Some of these are mentioned below:

  • Mowing – During hotter temperatures, grass grows at a slower rate. Therefore, you should adjust your lawnmower to ensure it leaves a bigger part of the grass uncut.
  • Water Application – Your watering schedule should change to reflect the hot season. Ensure that you water during the early hours of the day and late in the evening. This helps reduce evaporation and increases water retention.
  • Weeding and Pests – Weeds and pests multiply well in warmer weather. Therefore, it’s important to be on high alert during this season. Use a combination of herbicides, pesticides, and other manual methods to eliminate pests and weeds.
  • Minimize Lawn Disturbances – Ensure that there are ample paths for walking. Take other deterrent measures to minimize lawn disturbances. Frequent disturbances can cause permanent bare patches that may be difficult to repair or grow again.

Lawn maintenance during summer must be done during cooler temperatures to minimize damage. Fertilizers should also be applied on cooler days to enhance intake by the grass.

2. Maintenance During the Autumn Season

Autumn is a more ideal time to make amends for the extremely hot summer that you may have experienced. During this period, temperature levels are cooler and conditions are conducive for growth.
Below are ways to take advantage of this season for a good lawn:

  • Watering – During this period, it’s normal to forget watering because there’s little evaporation going on. Ensure you consistently water to compensate for the previous hot summer days.
  • Collect mulch – Remove all obstacles that can hinder absorption. This includes regularly collecting mulch and dry grass—this can be done by a rake.
  • Fertilizer Application – Autumn is a good time to schedule the application of fertilizers. Coupled with good watering, applying fertilizer full of nitrogen and potassium during this season will ensure that your lawn stays healthy.
  • Re-patch dry parts – This is the right time to heal the bare and damaged parts of your lawn. Buy quality seeds and spread them on the entire lawn. A good watering schedule can help your lawn recover from the effects of a hot summer.
  • Aeration – Aeration is needed to ensure that the roots are healthy and the soil doesn’t compact too much. Use a lawnmower to help aerate the grass. Aeration is a must for a healthy lawn.

Maintain your lawn in the autumn

Autumn provides good relief to plants, grass, and flowers. Use this time to prepare for winter, a challenging season for your lawn.

3. Taking Care of the Lawn During Winter

The temperatures during the winter days make the grass hibernate. Hibernation leads to slow growth and minimal growth demands. It is, therefore, important to have a special schedule to care for your lawn during winter. Here are some tips on how to take care of your lawn during winter:

  • Watering – There are some spells during the winter that are dry in some parts of the country. Therefore, you must have a proper watering schedule. If you have sowed some seeds during autumn, you need to water them when conditions improve. This will enhance the growth of the young grass.
  • Mowing – Due to the constrained growth, mowing demands will be slightly less. Mowing once a month, or two to three times during the entire season can work. If you find it challenging to execute mowing during winter, you can contract yardsmart or other professional lawn experts. You can tap into their experience and take advantage of their special tools.
  • Weeding and Application of Fertilizer -Weeds grow at a very slow rate during winter. The effective method to remove weeds is to pick the few new ones that come up. Fertilizer application should be done before the first frost happens.

The cold and freezing temperatures can be challenging when taking care of the lawn. Minimizing movements on the lawn can help reduce the damaging effects. Also, take advantage of sunny conditions and be careful about routine maintenance.

4. Spring Lawn Maintenance

Winter can make your lawn look extremely dirty or abandoned. Browning of the grass and emaciation are results of the winter conditions. Patches of the lawn that were not taken care of during other seasons get worse during this period. Some tips to help rejuvenate your lawn in spring:

  • Clear the debris – There are many trees leaves, dead grass, and articles blown into your lawn during this period.
  • Watering – During this period, conditions start to become conducive for growth. Grass blossoms naturally. Watering should be done in the right amounts to minimize dampness. During the early days of spring, the nights may be cold. Therefore, excessive watering can hamper growth or damage the lawn.
  • Weeding – This is the right time to be aggressive in weed control measures. Ensure you apply herbicides in the pre-emergence stage. This can help stem the weed problem for the rest of the year.
  • Mowing – Increase the frequency of grass mowing during this season. This will help achieve a balanced growth of grass.

Take full advantage of this season to resume good growth of the grass and repair bare patches.

Maintain your lawn in the spring


Maintaining a perfect lawn during various seasons is not that difficult. Take advantage of seasons like spring and autumn to help prepare for the extreme temperatures. Routine maintenance like weeding, watering, mowing, and application of fertilizers should be done sparingly and intelligently during all seasons. Follow the tips above for a great lawn.

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