Understandably, Live on Release is tired of people asking them why they’re afraid of Britney Spears, so when Faze caught up with them in concert we gave them the chance to really explain themselves, once and for all!
Britney’s image is all about perfection and there’s no such thing. Obviously, we’re not afraid of her but what she represents.
Brittin ( Britt Black )
Trying to attain perfection can be very destructive. No-one can be perfect but those who keep trying will never be happy with their lives.
We felt that the image she portrays is an unrealistic one and that it can actually put restrictions on your mind. She looks like something that is totally made up. Not real. And it’s not, she has a lot of people around her that make her look the way she does.
I don’t think Britney is saying she wants to send out any kind of message but there are so many girls who are trying to be just like her that they lose sight of who they are.
Unfortunately, when her fans try to look like her a lot of them end up feeling badly about themselves. Some develop eating disorders when they’re trying too hard – it all leads down an unhealthy path.
Looking at her doesn’t make you think, “Hey, I can be like that,” it makes you think, “I’ll never look like that,” which can be depressing.
There’s a lot of girls out there who want to be like her based solely on her looks. They don’t realize that they can’t ever be exactly like her and some go to really extreme measures that can end up being harmful.
There are a lot of Britneys and Christinas in the music industry and not many alternatives. You really have to search to find someone different. And that’s too bad. Everyone’s trying to be the same.
Sure, it’s great that Britney is up there doing her own thing. She’s an empowered woman doing a lot for herself but at the same time she’s doing a lot for herself using her sexuality.
It’s too bad that she makes it seem like the only thing that sells is sex. Sometimes people forget that getting up on stage and really being able to rock or write you own music also sells. It’s not just about having a pretty face.
Our songs are about doing what you want to do and that you don’t have to be like everyone else. You don’t have to follow the crowd. It’s not all about how you look.
After one of our concerts I started to talk to one of our fans that happened to be in a wheelchair. She used to be anorexic but after seeing one of our shows she was inspired to learn to play the drums. It was her way of venting her anger instead of starving herself.
We don’t really think about an image for ourselves. I think it’s better for a fan to say, “Hey, they’re kinda geeky – but so am I!” It’s definitely better than them thinking that we’re totally perfect.
When we were looking for girls for the band we didn’t care what they looked like. It wasn’t about looks at all.
Yeah. Colette and Brittin just wanted to know that I could ‘Rock.’ Not that any of us knew exactly what it meant to ‘Rock,’ but that we could do our own thing.
It’s not as if we didn’t want anyone who looked like Britney Spears. In fact, people have told the band that we shouldn’t sing about Britney because I look like a Britney kind of girl. They make it seem that just because I have blonde hair I should sing Pop.
A lot of the times it’s those stereotypes that people have in their minds that hold them back from doing what they want to do. We hope to break down some of those stereotypes.
Yeah, the ones that say it’s all about looks. It’s really all about being yourself.
From L.to R. Brittin Karroll, 16, Guitar; Foxx Herst, Bass, 17; Colette Trudeau , Vocals, 16; , 16; Leah Emmott, Drums, 15
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