
It’s Never Too Late To See An Orthodontist


Most people know that brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and visiting your family dentist periodically can help improve your oral hygiene. A dentist can keep your oral care in check, detect problems before they develop further, and clean parts of your mouth to stop the growth of plaque and the development of cavities.

A dentist may also offer tooth fillings, crowns, or a root canal in case you need advanced treatment. However, sometimes a dentist can’t offer you the oral treatment that you need. Here, you may need the services of an orthodontist.

An orthodontist is a dentist who has studied for two or more years and completed a specialization. This allows them to diagnose, prevent, and correct misaligned teeth and jaws. Typically, an orthodontist can fix an underbite, when the lower jaw has extended beyond the upper jaw, an overbite, when the upper jaw is protruding over the lower jaw, and a crossbite, when a jaw is too narrow, resulting in the crowding and misaligning of teeth.

The ideal time to see an orthodontist is at an early age when the jaw is still growing and can be more readily corrected by dental appliances. If your child is suffering from the following symptoms, you should go see your friendly and professional Hamilton orthodontist to rectify their problem before it worsens:

  • Thumb-sucking: While some of this can be normal, regular and intense thumb-sucking can be a sign of orthodontic issues.
  • Bruxism: If your child is grinding, gnashing, or clenching their teeth, then they may have crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw.
  • Mouth Breathing: Sometimes mouth breathing can be temporarily caused by a cold or allergies. However, if your child breathes through their mouth regularly, then they may need to see an orthodontist.
  • Abnormal Teeth Shedding: Children who lose their baby teeth too early or too late may need to see an orthodontist before they suffer from bit-related issues.

It’s important to treat orthodontic issues early in children because they can result in pain in the jaw, teeth, ears, head, and neck. They can result in developmental speech delays and make it harder for children to consume healthy food. A child with orthodontic problems may also be teased in school and lose their confidence.

What’s more, crowded teeth are harder to clean and more susceptible to plaque and tartar. These bacteria can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Braces can easily rectify these problems. However, many children don’t get the help they need and grow into adults with orthodontic problems. Such adults mistakenly believe that it’s too late to correct their issues. Others are turned off by the look of metal braces. Others still are wary of the discomfort of orthodontic treatment.

Girl teeth in braces

Thanks to advancements in dental technology, adults in North America are seeking orthodontic treatment in record numbers. For example, clear aligners look nearly invisible and can be easily removed when you’re eating food or cleaning your teeth. They’re certainly a more attractive option than traditional metal brackets. Adults are also seeking such treatment because they can afford them.

Remember, it’s never too late to seek orthodontic treatment. Not only will it improve your oral health, but it will improve the look of your gum, teeth, and bite.

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