School’s out and the parties have begun! But everywhere I look there are people making some unfortunate fashion faux pas. So, I think there is no time like the present to save them from some serious embarrassment with these tips.
SUMMER FASHION FAUX PAS #1: Socks and Sandals
Really what are you people thinking? Sandals are meant for bare feet. That’s just the way it is. There are absolutely no circumstances under which this is appropriate. If you want to wear socks so badly, then wear shoes. Sandal season doesn’t last long in this country, so take advantage of it while you can. And please, if you are one of those people who suffer from crusty toes and you choose to wear sandals, make the small investment in a pedicure. (This applies to men as well.)
Have you ever heard the song that goes, “Who likes short shorts?” The answer is no one. Maybe that’s a little harsh, there are places where short shorts may be appropriate such as the beach or in the privacy of your own home. But really, who needs to see half your butt while you’re walking down the street or at the mall?
SUMMER FASHION FAUX PAS #3: Bleach Blonde Hair
Sure, Marilyn Monroe would have been nowhere without it but that look is so out. The truth is, there are very few people who can pull off this look and if you’re not one of them, try something a little more natural so you don’t end up looking trashy. Also, if you’ve already attempted this look then you know all about the damage that can be caused by bleaching your hair. Not worth it.
I cringe every time I see this. Sometimes I think spandex was created to torture me! There are very few places where spandex is appropriate and even fewer people that can pull it off, so I beg of you, every time you attempt to buy something in spandex, think about what your father would look like wearing it and if that doesn’t sway you, well, maybe you should look into some therapy.
SUMMER FASHION FAUX PAS #5: Keep your shirt on
This one is for all you guy’s out there who think going shirtless is a bold fashion statement. Hey guess what? This look makes you look arrogant and anything but attractive. Even if you do have the body of a Greek God, leave a little something to the imagination. It’s a lot more fun that way.
Stiletto heels are all the rage this year. Me, I love the look. They create sexy legs and can be dangerous worn with the right dress. But, if you can’t walk in them, don’t wear them. Stilettos, like anything else in fashion, isn’t for everyone. It doesn’t matter how hot your outfit is, no one looks good when they’re tripping and falling. If you insist on wearing them, practice walking around your house in them first.
I guess my point is that everyone should dress appropriately for their body type. There are great looks out there for everyone, no matter your size, colour or gender. Find the one that’s right for you. And, please, stay away from the ones that aren’t.
That’s the way I see it.
Sara Cauchon is a popular TV host on a numerous shows including GirlzTV, Rooms That Rock, Global News. And one of our friends: Sara has joined Faze on exciting trips to places like San Diego and Tobago!
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