Although it doesn’t feel always feel like it, spring officially began a few weeks ago. Winter is hard on any skin type, and these last winters have been particularly harsh.
In winter months, thick, heavy creams are used to protect skins from the cold temperatures and dry air. When the weather starts warming up, a lighter touch is needed. Women usually wear less makeup during the warm seasons, so they want their skin to be healthy and blemish free. However, spring brings in its own share of skin problems; the warm and humid temperature can cause breakouts. Here are a few tips for having clear and healthy skin this spring:
Exfoliating once or twice a week increases skin-cell turnover. It gets rid of dead skin cells and thus prevents your pores from getting clogged up.
Have a Facial
A good face mask clears and hydrates your skin. Some also work as an exfoliant. Sensitive skins should use products adapted to their skin condition. For regular skin types, this simple homemade recipe works great:
- Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of real orange juice.
- Apply a thin layer and leave on for twenty minutes.
- With damp fingers, scrub in a circular motion.
- Rinse and moisturize.
Keep your skin hydrated by drinking a lot of water and using a good moisturizer. To remain well hydrated, especially during summer months, it is recommended to drink one ounce of water per pound of body weight.
Apply Sunscreen
Even if spring can be fairly chilly and you might not be doing many outdoor activities yet, you need to apply a good sunscreen, one with a minimum of SPF 30. The longer days and sunny weather are incentives to go outside, and UV rays can cause premature skin aging like dark spots and wrinkles.
Wear Creamy Makeup
Skin tends to sweat more in spring due to warm and humid temperatures. The makeup you use during winter can make a mess in spring and summer. Stay away from liquid concealers, as they wash away easily during the day. Use cream-based makeup instead. They last longer and give your skin a nice glowing look. Think of using lighter skin care products that let your skin breathe.
Vitamins are essential for healthy skin. Vitamins A, C and E are particularly important.Vitamin E helps reduce UV damage to the skin.
Vitamin A is an antioxidant that stimulates the production of new skin cells and protects them from premature signs of aging.
Vitamin C helps repair UV damage. It improves skin tone and texture and helps to maintain a smooth, even and glowing complexion.
Although vitamins are present in food, their concentration might not always be high enough to get the desired results. While eating nutritious foods is essential, you can also use supplements, creams, oils or medical grade formulas to get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals.
Be Spring Ready
With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready when spring comes along. Stay hydrated, eat well and protect your skin. For a wide selection of skin care solutions, visit, on online store for professional beauty and cosmetic products. You’ll be more than happy to show off your beautiful, sunny complexion.
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