Jess and Lisa Origliasso are not your regular millennial sisters.
Born on Christmas Day, the Australian identical twins, who make up the duo The Veronicas, describe themselves as being two different people with different approaches to things. Their first album, The Secret Life of the Veronicas, is rocking the music industry. The Veronicas have a notso- typical style (a harmonic mixture of rock, pop, hip hop, and R&B) on their premiere CD, with songs both written and produced by the pair.
According to the girls, the best part of the music industry is the travel, although it’s not all glamour, they clarify, and it’s not always about the music. “At the end of the day, all that matters is that you’re passionate and loving what you’re doing,” says Jess.
Exposed to the entertainment biz for over 15 years (they grew up around their dad’s band), the 20-year-old twins consider the stage their second home. “From the age of five, we just loved it, kept doing it, and we just fell in love with it,” explains Lisa. “It’s always been our passion.”
The band: The Veronicas, Australian twins rocking their way around the globe.
Right now: Their first CD, The Secret Life of The Veronicas, a US tour, and a second album coming soon.
Here are The Veronicas and their video for “Untouched” off their second album Hook Me Up
And the big hit off their debut album, “4ever”
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