
What To Consider When Buying A Dance Mirror?

dance mirror

Whether you plan on opening a dance studio or a home gym, dance mirrors are a must. Dance mirrors come in various styles and shapes. Hence, you can use them for many purposes. Apart from using them for a studio, you can also use them to enhance your indoor space or make it look bigger.

Every performer knows that your posture and form are essential for performances. A dancer or an artist must know how they look on stage to give an excellent performance. As a dancer, you would recognize the importance of installing a dance mirror. With the help of mirrors, an artist can articulate their movements and make improvements as they deem necessary. It gives you clarity regarding your routine. Hence, installing multiple mirrors becomes essential so that a dancer can witness their movements from various angles.

Different types of dance mirrors are available in the market. So you should choose one that fits your dance studio or gym. In addition to installing dance mirrors installed in studios, you can also install them in home gyms and other areas, including your home.

What to consider when purchasing dance mirrors?

There are several things you should consider when buying dance mirrors.

1.  Own studio or rent

If you own a studio, you can install a dance mirror without seeking approval from someone else. However, if you rent a space, you need to ask your landlord’s permission before installing one.

2.  Size of the studio

Before going out into the market, you need to be prepared beforehand. The size of your studio or gym will dictate the size of the mirror that your purchase. Another factor that you should consider is how tall the mirror you require in your studio is. You can find different sizes in the market. Hence, measure the dimensions of the studio before you venture into the market. If you are setting up your dance studio, you should buy a tall mirror covering most of the wall.

For a dance studio, you can set up a mirror that is slightly off the ground. However, if you own a gym or offer yoga classes, you should install a mirror that covers the lower part of the wall as well.

3.  The thickness of the mirror

The thickness of the mirror is an essential factor because the thicker a mirror is, the heavier it will be. It also means that the mirror will also be stronger and sturdier. The thinner a mirror is, the more lightweight it will be. It means that the mirror will not be as strong, however.

4.  Additional equipment

If you offer ballet classes at your dance studio, then you also require a ballet barre. These are installed along the mirrored wall. Most retailers that sell dance mirrors will also provide and install the barre for you.

5.  Types of dance mirrors

Various types of dance mirrors are available to suit your requirements. You should buy one that is suitable for your dance studio and budget. Here are a few options to consider:

●    Glass mirrors

Glass mirrors are often the most obvious choice for a dance studio. Glass mirrors also tend to be heavier and sturdier than other types of mirrors. However, in some cases, people prefer non-glass mirrors because they are likely to be less dangerous. For instance, if a person falls against the mirror, there are higher chances of breakage and injury. Non-glass mirrors are an alternative to avoid this risk.

Another alternative to glass mirrors is tempered glass mirrors. These mirrors can avoid injuries by breaking into small pieces that are not harmful.

Despite this, glass mirrors give a clear image and are also easier to clean. Hence, glass mirrors are oft-used in a dance studio.

●    Non-glass mirrors

Non-glass mirrors are also available in the market. These mirrors are less likely to injure a person if they fall against them. If you teach students, especially younger children, a non-glass mirror is a safer alternative.

Mylar is a type of non-glass mirror that has less weight and is highly reflective. Mylar is also shatterproof, meaning that it is less likely to produce shards when it breaks.

Apart from Mylar, there is the option of acrylic and plastic mirrors, which are affordable but give a poor image. It tends to distort the reflection making it a poor investment. However, you can invest in it as a temporary mirror before buying a better one.

●    Fixed

A dance studio must have fixed mirrors in place. There is no point in movable mirrors because it wastes time. Moreover, a fixed mirror covering the entire wall provides a better image of the students during practice sessions.

But in some cases, a rolling or movable dance mirror may be a better choice.

●    Rolling

If you have limited space, you can use mobile dance mirrors. These are easy to use and do not limit your space for one purpose only.

Non-glass mirrors are available as moving and rolling because they are lighter and easier to move. If you have limited space, a rolling mirror may be a better choice. Likewise, if you use a studio for multiple purposes, a rolling dance mirror is what you need. You can also use a rolling mirror in conjunction with a fixed dance mirror to provide you the sight of the students at the front and back.

In addition to this, a rolling mirror costs less than a fixed mirror. Hence, if you are low on budget, you can buy a rolling mirror and have a fixed mirror installed in your dance studio or gym later.

6.  Cost

Lastly, and most importantly, the cost of the mirror is another factor that you should take into account before buying dance mirrors. Do not consider the price only. If you are buying from a trusted retailer, consider the quality of the dance mirror instead of the price.

ballet ballerina mirror


Dance mirrors for dance studios and home gyms. There are many varieties available in the market. However, you should choose one that suits your requirements. The points mentioned above will help you in making an informed choice.

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