What comes to mind when you think of boudoir photography? Do images of pin-up girls from the ‘40s fill your head? Or what about thin, beautiful women in next to nothing, posing for an audience of men online? Either way, you probably don’t imagine yourself posing for sexy photos while you’re five months pregnant.
But you would be wrong.
Boudoir photography can help you celebrate your pregnancy, proving that mothers-to-be can look and feel sexy, too — baby bump and all.
Why pose in front of the camera?
You’re growing a tiny human inside of you! This is one of life’s most incredible miracles. It’s about time you show off how amazing the human body is as it creates new life. There’s no shame in flaunting how incredible your curves look in lingerie for someone you love.
Aside from showing off and feeling proud of your new assets, a photoshoot will also preserve this life-changing event on film. Your boudoir-maternity photographs will be a souvenir from this momentous occasion.
Even if you are unsure about doing a boudoir maternity session, you will be glad you captured these images. Your little one will arrive soon enough, and these days will be nothing but a memory. You can pull out these photos any time you want to remember this exciting time in your life and relish in the special kind of beauty you had for what felt like such a whirlwind.
What if you don’t feel sexy?
Let’s be honest, carrying around a baby-to-be isn’t glamourous 24/7. Everyone will have days when they would rather avoid looking in the mirror. But constantly focusing on your physical flaws can be unhealthy and distracting. You want to spend this life-changing time admiring the power and adaptability of your body.
A boudoir-maternity photoshoot can help you put a stop to any negative thoughts and re-focus your attention on the beauty that you radiate — even if you don’t feel it.
The trick is finding a talented boudoir photographer like the one that heads Afterglow Images. During a boudoir-maternity session, they connect with who you are as a person to reveal what makes you uniquely beautiful. That connection gives you an entirely different perspective on your body, showing you what you look like from a distance.
Seeing yourself through an experienced photographer’s eyes can help you move beyond your hang-ups to see the beauty of your pregnancy, even if you don’t feel like you fit the typical boudoir look.
Anyone can pose for boudoir photographs
There’s a saying in the industry that also operates as a code of conduct: boudoir is for everybody and every body. It’s a body-positive artistic style that encourages you to feel good about the skin you’re in right now.
It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young, thin or on the heavier side, scarred or wrinkled. Everyone has a unique beauty. Anyone can pose, including all genders and races.
Talented boudoir photographers can make you feel comfortable posing in front of the camera no matter who you are or where you are in your life’s journey. They ensure that the setting, mood, and overall look of your boudoir photography session make you feel at ease.
A positive, relaxed environment helps you capture moments that reveal your inner beauty while building a stunning portfolio of sensual photographs that showcase your outer beauty.
Are you ready to pose?
If you’re ready to look and feel your best — whatever that may be — then consider booking a session. Whether you’re doing this for yourself or purchasing a session as a gift for the woman in your life, a photoshoot is a wonderful experience that celebrates women for all that they are. Years later, she’ll be able to look back on these photographs and think, “I looked amazing!”
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