
What’s Keeping You Up At Night?

If you toss and turn at night, or you suddenly feel energised and alert the moment your head hits the pillow despite the fact you’ve been feeling sluggish all evening, you’re not alone. It’s very common to experience insomnia and to find it difficult to doze off. If you’re a reluctant member of the early hours wide awake club, here are some of the most common causes of insomnia, and some solutions to help you sleep.

A lack of routine

If you’ve ever travelled through time zones before, you should be aware of your internal body clock. Your body functions according to rhythms and routines that it becomes accustomed to over a period of time. If you find it hard to sleep, one of the first things you should do is take a look at your bedtime routine. When do you normally go to bed? What time do you set your morning alarm? How do you spend your evenings? If you’re not really used to a regime, making changes is likely to have a positive impact. Aim to get into bed at the same time each night, get up at a similar time each morning, and take some time to relax and unwind before you hit the hay. Read, watch TV, have a bubble bath, call a friend or snuggle up with the dog. However you like to relax, give yourself time to kick back and clear your mind before you try and snooze.

alarm clock keep you up
Photo via flickr


Anxiety is a common cause of insomnia. If you find it hard to switch off, and you feel like your mind is constantly running away with you, or you can’t relax even when you feel exhausted, there are steps you can take to try and induce calmness. Avoid checking emails or scrolling through social media feeds late at night, do something that makes you feel relaxed before you go to bed, and try and get yourself ready for the next day long before you decide to climb under the covers. If you’re stressing about what to wear for a meeting, you need to make lunch or iron your clothes, or you don’t know how to get to a client’s office, prep in advance. Talking can also help to reduce the severity of symptoms of anxiety, and some people also find creative hobbies and exercises like Pilates and yoga very therapeutic.

reading book
Photo via kaboompics


Do you suffer from chronic pain, or are you recovering from an injury or illness? Physical pain can affect your ability to sleep. If you’re in pain, you might find it difficult to get comfortable, and waves of discomfort may wake you up during the night. Taking painkillers can help, but they shouldn’t be a long-term solution. If you’ve been struggling for a while, see your doctor. It’s also worth investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows, especially if you’re prone to back or neck pain. You could also explore alternative therapies such as acupuncture and massage or research medical marijuana and look to buy weed online or from a legal dispensary. It’s always a good idea to seek advice from a medical professional if pain is a recurrent problem. It’s also vital to take care when exercising if you have an injury or you suffer from back pain. Activities like swimming and yoga are generally considered to be much safer than running or lifting weights at the gym.

spa relax

Light and noise

Human beings are programmed to sleep in the dark, and the vast majority of us tend to sleep better when it’s quiet. If you live in a noisy area, or your bedroom is too light, you may find it tough to nod off. The good news is that are several really simple ways to create a more relaxing and tranquil sleeping environment. Use blackout blinds or heavy-duty curtains to prevent light seeping into your room and wear earplugs or listen to white noise. You may also find that dimming the lights and creating cosy vibes with soft furnishings and candles helps you to relax.

pillows bed up
Photo via Kaboompics

There are few things in life that are more frustrating than lying awake at night when you feel tired. If you struggle to sleep, have a think about what’s keeping you up. Analyse your routine, pinpoint potential causes, and take steps to eliminate mental and physical health obstacles and create a more relaxing, calming environment. Aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, seek advice if you’re struggling with anxiety or physical pain, and turn your bedroom into a dark, quiet space that oozes serenity.  

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