Winter is in the air. Soon enough, the streets are going to be slick with ice and all of the rooftops are going to be covered with powdery snow. While you’re happy to see your neighbourhood turn into a glittering wonderland, you’re not so happy with what it’s doing to your skin.
It Dries out Your Skin
The cold weather pulls away moisture from your skin. When no more protective lipids are sitting on the surface, it becomes vulnerable to intrusive bacteria. This means more zits, pimples and blackheads.
So, you should moisturize several times a day with a fragrance-free product. If you normally use a simple lotion, transition to a heavier cream to lock-in as much moisture as possible.
Here are some other things that will stop your skin from drying out in the winter:
- Use a humidifier indoors
- Limit hot showers/baths
- Cover up with more clothing
It Dries out Your Lips, Too
Your lips need just as much moisturizing as the rest of the skin on your face. Get yourself lots of lip balm. You’ll want to have containers stashed in your jacket pockets to use on-the-go. Drink plenty of water, stay away from salty foods, reduce your caffeine intake and try to break the habit of licking your lips — your saliva dries them out and makes them look even worse.
The Cold Causes Flare-Ups
The chronic skin problem rosacea can get triggered by dry indoor air and hot beverages, but, the most common trigger that winter brings to the table is extreme cold. A few minutes out of the house can flush your cheeks, generate pimples and activate other frustrating symptoms.
People can manage their rosacea by going to a laser skin clinic in downtown Toronto to get treatment with a pulsed-dye laser. The laser targets the excess blood cells causing the inflammation and “ruddy” complexion, eliminating them so that they’re absorbed into the body. Patients find that a few sessions dramatically improve their complexion and reduce their number of flareups.
Practice Sun Protection
Sadly, a lot of people think that sun protection is only meant for the summer. You can still get nasty winter sunburns because the UV rays respond to snow’s high albedo — this means that it easily reflects the sun’s rays instead of absorbing them. So, your face takes in twice as many UV rays: it gets hit by the ones coming from the sky and the ones reflecting off of the ground, making it much easier to develop sun damage.
And what makes this worse? Sun damage can trigger other skin conditions like rosacea and acne.
Get yourself a sunscreen with a high SPF and ingredients like Vitamin C and Vitamin E — these combat free radicals, prolong UV protection and improve moisturizing capabilities. Put it on your face every day, even if it’s cloudy outside.
Follow these other tips for seasonal sun protection:
- Use a lip balm with an SPF 30
- Wear UV sunglasses when it’s bright outside
- Protect your face with accessories like scarves, cowls and hats
This season brings a triple-threat to your skin: it pulls away moisture, instigates flareups and raises your chances of sun damage. If you follow all of these tips, you can defend yourself against the triple-threat and keep your skin nice and healthy.
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