So it’s time to move into your own space after sharing with a roommate or (finally) leaving your parent’s house? Moving into a new apartment on your own can be as stressful as it is exciting and not every landlord you’re going to encounter has the best intentions, so here’s a top 5 list of things to consider when it’s time to live your best-independent-girl-life.
It has got to be the biggest downer in any girl’s life when choosing a new apartment. Face it, when working out your budget, the apartments you adore usually don’t match up with the apartments you can afford. So don’t even go there. Don’t waste your time and kill your spirit by looking at places you know you can’t afford. Get your budget, stick to it. Here’s a nifty financial guide that takes everything into account.
OK, this is the last 3-word repeat headline. But turns out your parents (and every single realtor in history) are right. You want the best apartment on the best block that you can afford. This is especially true if you’re buying and not renting. If you’re buying, you want to compromise on space and nice-to-haves for the benefit of having the best possible space in the best possible place. This is what’s going to get you that resale value that you want to be after, later on.
If you’re renting, then you need to ask yourself – do you really want to be paying for someone else’s mortgage? Better to live a little lower down now, to reap your benefits when you’re ready to buy. Of course, none of this matters if you’re InstaFamous.
Before you get to moving day, you need to make sure that you’re working through the checklists. Are you moving alone? Are you taking a roommate? If you’re buying, can you do the repair work yourself or do you need a contractor? (Dad). If you’re renting do you know what defects to check for? Are you going to need mice removal before you move in? Sounds horrific, but it’s true. Nothing kills moving day more than sharing your pizza with Milly the mouse.
Tenants and buyers as well as landlords and sellers all have certain rights that are protected under law. Knowing who is entitled to what and at what stage of the game they (you) can invoke those rights, is pretty important. It’s all good and well until things don’t work out the way they’re supposed to. Here’s a guide to getting it right.
Sometimes it can be very beneficial to your financial health if you’re able to buy the classic “fixer-upper” but only if you know what you’re doing – or you know someone who does. Don’t be fooled by the “we-make-it-look-so-easy” television programs. It’s not and this could be a potential financial black-hole if you don’t take it on properly. So before you even think about doing this, make sure you get the right advice.
As much as it’s important to get the “stuff” right, don’t get lost in it. This is a fabulous time in any young woman’s life and you should be loving, living your best independent girl life – not regretting it.
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