
4 Great Barbecue Recipes To Try This Summer

If you love meat, summer is the season for you!

Nothing brings out the rich flavours of a good steak or pork shoulder roast like the sweet flames of a charcoal grill, which is why you should make the most of the season this year by getting bold and trying out some new barbecue recipes. And if you’re looking for ideas, look no further than the following list of the five best barbecue recipes to try in 2019.

Summer Barbecue Steak

Portuguese-Style Chicken

Portuguese cuisine is legendary for its barbecued chicken, and with a handful of key ingredients, you can explore this exciting dish for yourself. All you need to get started is a whole chicken, some white wine, lemon, paprika, salt, garlic powder, oil, hot pepper sauce, and tomato paste.

Marinade the chicken in the mixture for at least twenty four hours by mixing the spices in a plastic back and sealing in the chicken, then slice it open and place it flat on the grill until its done. Serve with traditional Portuguese piri-piri sauce for best results.

Grass Fed Sirloin Steaks

Grass fed beef has been one of the hottest phenomena in the world of gourmet meat, and nowhere are its virtues better displayed than in a high quality sirloin steak. It’s now easier than ever to order grass fed meat online which means that many beef aficionados will be slapping it on their grills this summer. If you’re into cooking and smoking high quality meat, then be sure to check out these delicious beef brisket recipes to try this summer!

But when barbecuing grass fed sirloin, you will need to be careful: because grass fed beef contains less fat than its more conventional grain finished counterparts, you will need to make sure not to cook it too long, and to use lots of oil when preparing it for the grill if you don’t want it to dry out.

Spicy Korean Bulgogi

In Korean, the word bulgogi literally means “fire-meat,” and nothing satisfies the meat lover’s palate like rich, thinly sliced pork bulgogi.

The trick to genuine Korean bulgogi is to pick a fatty cut of meat like pork belly, marinate it for at least a few hours in garlic, ginger, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, and sesame oil. Because bulgogi is typically sliced very thin, once its been marinated sufficiently it cooks extra-fast, so make sure to watch this one carefully to avoid over-cooking.

Korean Barbecue

Beef Brisket

Beef brisket is the holy grail of barbecue: while it yields some of the most flavourful and tender meat when it has been cooked properly, getting it right is a tireless quest for barbecue fans.

The key to a good brisket lies in three things: prep time, meat quality, and patience. Using top grade meat is essential, as is putting the time in to prepare a good dry rub and letting the meat absorb lots of salt before the cooking. Finally, you need to give the brisket lots of time to cook low and slow over wood chips if you want the fat to soften and the meat to become properly tender.

If you are looking for a good brisket recipe, try this one from, which provides ample tips for getting the most out of the meat.

Barbecue does so much to bring out the flavour of meat, but for this very reason, it’s easy to get into a rut when cooking over charcoal or wood chips. This summer, make sure to spice things up and sharpen your culinary skills with one of these four delicious recipes!

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