
What Are the Best Medications To Treat Psoriasis?

itch Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that results in cracked, raised, red scaly patches all over the body caused by rapid skin buildup. Over seven million people in the US alone have psoriasis.

What Causes Psoriasis?

Either environmental or genetic factors trigger psoriasis. The T cells or the T lymphocyte white blood cells present in our body protect us from foreign particles such as viruses. Psoriasis is an immune system disorder that affects the T cells and causes them to attack our healthy skin cells. This results in excessive production of new cells that build upon our skin, causing a patch formation or scaling.

Psoriasis Symptoms

Each person affected by psoriasis exhibits different symptoms that typically range from thickened nails, cracked skin, crust formation, red patches, itching skin, pain, and a sensation of burning or soreness. Due to the nature of the symptoms, psoriasis was initially considered a cosmetic condition. However, research has confirmed that psoriasis is more than just a skin disorder. It is a systemic inflammatory condition that can adversely affect our joints, cardiovascular system, and other organs.

Types of Psoriasis

There are seven different types of psoriasis that include:

Plaque Psoriasis: This is the most common type of psoriasis characterized by red lesions with silvery-white scales.

Pustular Psoriasis: This form of psoriasis is known to be triggered by either UV light exposure, pregnancy, or consumption of certain medications. It creates red patches over the skin along with the formation of pus-filled blisters.

Nail Psoriasis: It affects the skin and makes them thick and yellow.

Guttate Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis affects children and young adults and creates small distinguished red spots on the skin.

Psoriatic Arthritis: It affects joints and causes pain and stiffness to the patients.

Inverse Psoriasis: Bright red lesions characterize this type of psoriasis.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis: This is a rare form of psoriasis that leads to redness and scaling in large areas of the body.

How Can You Treat Psoriasis?

The psoriasis treatment methods aim to break the cycle of abnormal skin cell formation and clear psoriasis symptoms. The different types of psoriasis treatment methods include:

Topical Treatment: This is a form of surface treatment that includes applying ointments such as corticosteroids or topical retinoids or those rich in vitamin D to reduce inflammation and target skin cell growth.

Light Therapy: This treatment method aims to slow skin cell production through natural sunlight exposure or ultraviolet-B light.

Oral Medication: If the patient is suffering from a severe psoriasis condition, the dermatologist may prescribe oral medicines rich in vitamin A or methotrexate, cyclosporine, or apremilast.

Biological Injections: This method involves administering injections that include a formulation that blocks the immune system’s specific parts responsible for joint damage or plaque formation. This method is generally adopted when the patient is not responding to any other treatment methods.

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Contacting a Psoriasis Dermatologist

Gentle skin cleansing and moisturizing can go a long way in reducing psoriasis symptoms. Besides, a dermatologist can assist you in tackling your psoriasis condition head-on. The Dallas psoriasis treatment experts at Dallas Dermatology Partners have also provided some very helpful information on some of the best treatments for this condition. If you have psoriasis, contact a dermatologist immediately to get your symptoms reviewed and obtain a personalized treatment plan depending on your condition.

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