It hurts to see your child struggling with addiction, especially when you’ve fought your entire life to provide them with a loving and supportive environment. But, in order to help them overcome this hurdle so early in their life, It’s important to understand that addiction can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, or social background.
Even more, the path to addiction takes many forms, it’s not just misbehaving and abusing illegal substances and/or alcohol. Many teenagers become addicted to pain or anxiety pills that were initially prescribed by a medical professional to treat an injury or a mental-related issue.
As such, the first step towards healing is to understand that assigning blame and pointing fingers won’t help anyone, especially your kid. The next step is the correct diagnostic (recognizing the problem) and finding the right treatment and support.
You also need to keep in mind that addiction treatment is a lengthy and costly process. As such, it can even become a heavy burden on the family’s budget if your insurance doesn’t cover the cost (at least partially).
But don’t despair! There are ways to get the treatment your child needs without superhuman efforts (at least from a financial point of view).
#1: The Type of Services Required
When it comes to addiction treatments, there are two types of treatment options available: inpatient and outpatient.
Inpatient services are required for patients that must live at the treatment facility for the duration of the treatment. On the other hand, outpatient services allow patients to leave the treatment facility at night (the treatment happens during the day).
Specialists will recommend the best option for each patient, so it’s best to follow their advice and not push for outpatient services if inpatient ones are recommended.
#2: Find the Right Facility
If the budget allows it, it’s best to consider a luxury drug rehab facility, where your child can receive the very best care and support. Some facilities are willing to find a way that works for both parties when it comes to payment, so don’t hesitate to make a call and ask.
Another option is a rehab scholarship. These are organizations that can fund a person’s efforts to treat their addiction if they fit the conditions. These organizations mostly cater to people who don’t have insurance and can’t afford to pay for the treatment themselves.
You should also do thorough research for state-supported programs for various addiction treatments. There are many organizations that offer free counseling, access to support groups, and may even help with the payments. However, you need to do the work and get in contact with the ones that interest you.
#3: Don’t Fall Victim to Predatory Practices
Sadly, there are people out there who would take advantage of such a difficult time. They usually pray on low-income families who want to get their loved ones the treatment they need but are out of options (or so it seems).
That’s why it’s crucial to do the research before you agree with anything and ask for advice from licensed professionals! While it may seem that all is lost, there is hope as long as you don’t lose calm and analytical thinking.
Wrap Up
Yes, it is difficult, but for the sake of your child, it is important to keep an open mind and heart. And don’t forget ‘Tough times don’t last, tough people do!’
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