
Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy Redefines Recovery Of Women With Cancer-Induced Depression

cancer-related anxiety & depression ill

Recent studies reveal that psilocybin therapy, combined with psychotherapy, offers effective relief for cancer patients who suffer from anxiety and depression.

Women with cancer are finding a break from their daily struggles after they buy psychedelics online in Canada. The effects of these substances are promising and provide much-needed relief for many cancer patients who find conventional treatments insufficient in managing their suffering.

Key Points

  • One in four women who have cancer may experience depression.
  • Psilocybin therapy demonstrates the potential to reduce anxiety and depression in women with cancer by providing lasting benefits with only one or two sessions.
  • Cancer patients who have undergone psychedelic therapy experience shifts towards calmness, peace, happiness, and heightened love and connection.

Cancer-Related Depression in Women

Approximately 1 in 4 women diagnosed with cancer experience clinical depression. Women with breast cancer are the most vulnerable to this, with up to 50% experiencing depressive symptoms.

Following a cancer diagnosis and during treatment, it’s common to experience emotions like sadness, anxiety, and fear. While these feelings may change, persistent symptoms that disrupt daily activities for more than two weeks could indicate clinical depression.

25% of patients diagnosed with cancer experience depression afterward. A cancer diagnosis can evoke various emotions:

  • Fear of treatment or related side effects, such as pain.
  • Body changes affecting self-image.
  • Financial concerns
  • Uncertainty
  • Spiritual questioning
  • Fear of recurrence or suffering.
  • Fear of death.

Psychedelics and How It Works

Psychedelic research has developed a new treatment called psychedelic therapy. This approach uses controlled doses of psychedelic substances in a therapy setting to help with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The treatment mixes these psychedelic experiences with regular talking therapy sessions.

There are multiple studies currently highlighting the positive personality changes and enduring spiritual benefits of psilocybin and other psychedelic administration:

  • Several randomized controlled trials have explored the effects of single-dose psilocybin in supportive settings for cancer-related psychological and existential distress, with two demonstrating significant improvements in anxiety and depression.
  • At a neurochemical level, it activates a serotonin receptor subtype (5-HT2A) linked to perception and emotion regulation. Psychological effects include heightened sensory experiences and vivid visual imagery, usually changing mood and self-perception.
  • Psychedelics promote neuronal repair by encouraging the growth of dendrites, the branches of nerve cells that receive information.
  • Within cortical neurons, psychedelics trigger the activation of a specific protein, which acts as a signal receiver and regulator for cellular functions. Serotonin, a chemical in the body known for its role in mood regulation, also influences this receptor.

There are many ideas about how psychedelics affect the brain, but a key point is their effect on the serotonin receptor. Medications like LSD and psilocybin, which are used to treat mental health issues like depression and anxiety, mainly target the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor. However, their action is more complex than this interaction. These compounds also interact with other serotonin receptors, adding layers to their work.

Studies and Clinical Trials on Psychedelics

1. University of Texas

The authors explored how psychedelic drugs could offer relief to patients in distress. They observed the experiences of women diagnosed with gynecological cancers, particularly those with late-stage diagnoses or chronic treatment side effects.


  • Up to 25% of ovarian cancer patients report depression, anxiety, and death anxiety.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy, the current standard psychological support, may not be suitable for all patients due to time constraints.
  • After just one or two sessions, psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy has shown lasting benefits.

2. Journal of Affective Disorders

Researchers observed the psychological mechanisms behind psilocybin therapy through qualitative analysis of patient experiences. Thirteen adult participants with clinically elevated anxiety due to cancer received a single dose of psilocybin under clinical supervision. Researchers followed semi-structured interviews to explore the subjects’ experiences.


  • Nine participants experienced a loosening or dissolution of self, where they merged with elements such as music, emotions, or images.
  • Four participants felt deeply connected to the natural world during their session.
  • Nine participants found the immersive experience overwhelming, challenging, or frightening, particularly in the early stages.
  • Feelings of loss of control and inability to rationalize the experience were common.
  • Participants recounted terrifying visions or emotions, such as witnessing their funeral or experiencing intense fear and disorientation.

Even though the experience started off intense, participants felt more accepting, surrendered to the process, and gained new insights. They felt calmer, happier, and more connected with a strong sense of love.

What Happens During a Psychedelic Therapy Session

Clinicians are still assessing the effectiveness of treatments, so dosing, number of sessions, and the approach can vary. The process begins with a few preparatory sessions with your therapist, which may involve:

  • Reviewing and giving informed consent to your therapist and their practice.
  • Engaging in psychotherapy sessions.
  • Participating in 2-3 dosing sessions with the psychedelic medicine.

The therapist acts as a steady support, providing reassurance during the journey. The psychedelic substance helps open the mind, but what happens during the experience depends on the participant’s mindset and goals, which the therapist helps shape and guide.


First, you meet with the therapist to determine whether the treatment is right for you. You then discuss your history and any concerns with your therapist.

2. Ingestion

You ingest the psychedelic substance, supervised by a therapist, either orally or via injection. The number of sessions varies:

  • MDMA therapy usually has three sessions.
  • Ketamine therapy ranges from one to 12 sessions.
  • Psilocybin and LSD therapy have at least two sessions.

3. Integration

This integration phase is where the therapist works with you to make sense of the psychedelic experiences. It takes various forms, each tailored to your unique journey.


  1. Engage in tangible steps to tackle pending tasks.
  2. Confront, heal, or release past trauma and personal barriers.
  3. Foster new hobbies, prioritize relationships, and embrace playfulness.
  4. Invest in self-care practices to maintain your well-being.

During these therapy sessions, you might:

  • Lie on a couch or mat on the ground.
  • Wear eye shades to maintain an internal focus.
  • Use headphones, as music plays a role.
  • Be guided by the therapist to direct your attention inward and address any emotions or experiences that arise.

Challenges and Considerations for Women Seeking Psychedelic Therapy


Society’s rules and ideas about gender heavily impact women, shaping how they experience and understand psychedelics. Trying to juggle being feminine, working, and family responsibilities can change a woman’s self-view and her openness to trying psychedelics.

Women may also struggle with self-doubt, fear of losing control, or facing strong emotions during their psychedelic experiences.

Impact of Psychedelics on Women’s Bodies

Research indicates that women may display distinct reactions to psychedelics in comparison to men.  A recent study delved into the adverse effects of drugs targeting serotonin GPCRs (G protein-coupled receptors) in both the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Estrogen, which is more abundant in women, influences serotonin synthesis and receptor densities.

Drugs that affect serotonin receptors can interfere with complex processes. The changing levels of estrogen throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle and how it affects the serotonin system could explain why women usually experience more side effects. Women usually have less serotonin and break it down faster than men, which might lead to the differences in how men and women react to psychedelics.

Buy Psychedelics Online in Canada

      Product Type Effects Dosage
Blue Meanies Dried Mushrooms Euphoria, Hallucinations, Happiness, Extreme Laughter Varies
Ground Sounds – Microdose Capsules – Stevie’s Wonder Microdose Capsules Increased Clarity, Memory, Improved Stress Resistance, Mental Sharpness, Emotional Grounding 50mg, 100mg, 250mg
Wonder – Psilocybin Chocolate Bar – Dark Chocolate Psilocybin Edibles (Chocolate) Increased Creativity, Decreased Anxiety, Improved Mood Moderate: 6 pieces

Mega: 18 pieces

Wonder – Psilocybin Gummies – Blackberry – 3000mg Psilocybin Edibles (Gummies) Increased Creativity, Decreased Anxiety, Improved Mood 1-3 gummies
Bright Future – Nootropic Tea – Cloud Nine – 100mg Psilocybin Tea Enhanced Concentration, Elevated Mood, Mental Clarity, Increased Creativity One tea packet

Find Hope Beyond Diagnosis

Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy offers a promising path for women facing emotional challenges due to cancer-induced depression. This opens new possibilities for recovery and healing in this vulnerable group. For women struggling with the mental toll of cancer, this treatment brings hope for reducing their distress and restoring normality to their daily lives.

Looking for a new way to overcome emotional challenges? Discover the potential of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy with Zoomies Canada’s psilocybin products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy suitable for everyone?

Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with a history of psychotic disorders, specific medical conditions, or unstable psychological states. Thorough screening and evaluation by qualified professionals are necessary to determine suitability for treatment.

Is psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy addictive?

Psilocybin itself isn’t considered addictive, and there’s limited evidence suggesting that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy leads to addiction. Research even indicates its potential as a treatment for substance use disorders by promoting insights and behaviour change.

How long does the psilocybin session take?

The session spans six to eight hours, which encompasses the full duration of the substance’s effects. There are instances where patients opt for multiple sessions. The norm is for the psychedelic experience to occur once, followed by ongoing standard talk therapy sessions.

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