
Gay Sex During A Pandemic: How Things Are Changing

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The current coronavirus crisis worldwide continues to make huge changes to our everyday lives in ways that we could never have been prepared for. Future plans, regular daily activities, feelings, and relationships are all in a state of uncertainty. But how is COVID19 affecting sex between guys who like guys?

COVID19 is affecting our lives in a variety of ways. You might have had to deal with changes to your normal routine, you might be out of work or working from home, had holidays cancelled, and been unable to see your friends and family in-person for months due to the country-wide lockdown restrictions. For some gay couples, this means that they have suddenly found themselves in each other’s company 24/7 as they quickly moved in together to ensure that they didn’t have to go weeks without seeing each other, while others have been physically separated for what seems like forever. Some relationships are going to thrive through the pandemic and get stronger, while for others, it might be the breaking point. So, how is COVID19 influencing gay sex lives?

Changes to Sex Drive

If you’re feeling sluggish, demotivated, anxious, and disengaged during this confusing and unusual time, then you’re not alone. Sex isn’t necessarily right at the top of everybody’s priority list right now, and that’s completely normal. Perhaps you and your partner have been doing other things to feel intimate throughout this time if your sex drive isn’t what it usually is, like cooking more meals together or just cuddling on the sofa in front of a movie.

On the other hand, with more time spent at home, some gay couples have been more sexually active than usual. If your boyfriend moved in with you for the first time due to the pandemic, you might be taking full advantage of all this extra time together and exploring new things in the bedroom.

Fewer One-Night Stands

Social distancing guidelines have been firmly in place for a while now and town centres on Friday nights are like a ghost town, with pubs and clubs closed for the foreseeable future. Social lives are non-existent at the moment and having contact with strangers in real-life seems like something from the history books.

Gay men who would normally use apps like Grindr to hook up with cute guys in their area and enjoy a night of fun together are now having to find new ways to get around this while still social distancing, which is tricky but not completely impossible. Phone sex and video sex are definitely on the rise and while it might never be the same as physical contact, it’s certainly the next best thing.

Increase in Sex Toys

The gay community is certainly no stranger to sex toys, but with all this extra time on our hands, whether you’re alone or with your partner, a new sex toy might seem like something worth investing in right now. Whether you’re used to using sex toys and want to try out something new or are completely new to them and want to use this time to get started trying out different ones and figuring out what you like, there are plenty of amazing sex toys on the market that is ideal for gay men to use either solo or with a partner. Check out these toys at Sex Toy Saver; they have a wide range of options available with something to suit everybody from cock rings to butt plugs, bondage basics, and of course, sex essentials like lube and condoms.

The Role of Technology

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If you have found yourself separated from your partner physically during this time, you’re not alone. While some live-apart couples have decided that one of them will move in with the other during COVID19 in order to make sure that they’ve got that time to spend together, for others, this hasn’t been a feasible idea. If you’re unable to spend physical sexy time with your partner, you might be using this time to discover new ways of getting intimate even if you’re not there in person. Sexy phone calls, risqué text messages and Snapchat photos, and even masturbating together over Facetime are all on the rise as couples try to stay sexually active in quarantine.


The COVID19 crisis has given us all a shake-up when it comes to our personal safety and just how easy it is to catch anything from another person. People are washing their hands more often and wearing masks out in public; safety trends that are set to continue even after the crisis is over. And when it comes to sex, it’s likely that many guys are going to be taking health and safety more seriously in this aspect too – expect to see more sexual health screenings once things get back to normal, especially once one-night-stands are back on the table.

Has COVID19 affected your sex life as a gay man? We’d love to hear from you!

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