
Choosing The Best Supplement For Good Overall Health

A supplement comes in a form of a pill, capsule, mix, or drink to orally administer for the enhancement or completion of a healthful benefit. Millions, if not billions, of people take some form of a supplement for health and nutrition. And even though there is some debate about whether supplements are truly beneficial, a plethora of nutritionists and health professionals believe that there are many factors when it comes to deciding which supplements are best for a person. These factors include a person’s age, gender, genetics, medical history, diet, and physical activity level.

Other than that, there are some supplements that most of these experts believe are best for a person’s health, regardless of those factors of age, gender, and others. These supplements are as follows:

Vitamins A, C, and E for Skin Health

Vitamins E and A working together significantly helps with healing, and vitamin C is an antioxidant that assists in absorbing more trace nutrients and minerals, fight free radicals to protect the skin, and fight illnesses.

B Vitamins for Stress Management and Energy

B vitamins, including folate and vitamin B12, support cellular processes, metabolism, cell growth, cognitive functions, energy expenditure, and reduces fatigue. Vegans and vegetarians are more likely low in vitamin Bs, especially vitamin B12, which are found in animal food, like eggs, poultry, and beef.

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Calcium and Vitamin D for Bone Health and Other

There is some debate about whether these two supplements are the best ones for maintaining strong bones and lowering the risk of fractures and bone loss. Nevertheless, combining these two supplements with magnesium protects some of the largest threats to adults, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis.

There are some advantages and disadvantages of calcium, so it is vital to consult a physician about the risk factors. Also, vitamin D3 is important for immune support, mood disorder prevention, brain functions, and hormonal balance. You can also get most of your vitamin D by skin exposure to the sunlight.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Fight Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids, like fish oil supplements, aid in fighting inflammation that is associated with conditions, like Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. This supplement is also good to take to maintain a strong immune system, healthy joints, a healthy heart, and a sharp brain.

Other vitamins may be able to effectively manage blood sugar levels and hormonal responses, which can contribute to inflammation when they become abnormal. Vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin C all work together to keep cells and tissue strong and protect against inflammation.

Antioxidants for Eyes

Your eye’s lens, cornea, and macula will be protected through antioxidant and eye vitamins while reducing inflammation and radical damage. Vitamins C and A aid with the zeaxanthin and lutein, carotenoids that are on the macular retina region. You can also take these vitamins with copper and zinc to assist in protecting the retina and reducing the risk for vision loss and macular degeneration.

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Probiotics for Digestive and Gut Support

These supplements are good bacteria that aids in your body’s ability to fight infection, support your body’s ability, and line your digestive tract. Certain probiotic strains promote hormone balance or health, and others enhance immune functions. These good bacteria assist in producing vitamin K, butyrate, and vitamin B12. It will create enzymes to destroy harmful bacteria, get rid of bad microbes, stimulate regulatory T-cells, and stimulate secretion of IgA that supports immune function.

When it comes to probiotics supplements, all of them do not rank the same. It is imperative to look at the strain, species, and genus of the probiotic supplements. When buying probiotic supplements, look out for the genus, species, and strain. Usually, private label supplements and custom supplement manufacturing have labels showing the CFUs (colony forming units). Also, obtaining probiotics with at least 50 billion CFUs, multiple bacterial strains, and strain diversity is effective.

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