
Identify The Warning Signs Of Hearing Loss

hearing loss test

Hearing loss symptoms can affect an individual’s health, quality of life, relationships, and career. Understand the warning signs so you, or someone you love, can seek help immediately.

The symptoms you might be experiencing depend on the type of hearing loss you have — as well as the severity. There are general symptoms of hearing loss that are commonly experienced by older adults, and there are also three main specific types that can affect individuals of any age.

The first step is to contact your locally owned and operated hearing aid clinic. Find a clinic that offers on-site repair such as the Acoustica Hearing Clinic in Burnaby — they offer a great senior discount and service that’s fast and friendly.

Before you do that, consider your symptoms and what they might mean. Read on to identify the warning signs of hearing loss.

General Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Our hearing often starts to diminish as we age. For adults with loss of hearing, these are all good indicators that you’re not hearing as well as you used to. You may experience some or all of these situations:

  • You struggle to keep up in conversation, especially in noisy environments
  • You’ve been told you turn the TV or radio up too loud
  • You find it difficult to speak on the phone because you can’t hear properly
  • You often avoid social situations
  • You find yourself asking people to repeat themselves
  • You experience a feeling as if you can hear, but not understand
  • You notice tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears
  • You’re not sure where sound is coming from — known as localization

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your local hearing aid clinic to make an appointment. Modern rechargeable hearing aids are available today which use sophisticated technology and have far better sound quality than they did before. A hearing aid could save you a lot of trouble down the line.

There are also four main types of hearing loss.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss is usually caused by something that stops sound from passing through the outer or middle ear. Symptoms include hearing better out of one ear than the other and a sense that your own voice sounds different.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss occurs where there is damage to the inner ear or the nerves that move from the ear to the brain. It’s permanent hearing loss and can make even loud noises sound muffled.

Symptoms include dizziness, balance problems, and trouble hearing high-pitched sounds.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed Hearing Loss includes both Sensorineural and Conductive hearing loss symptoms.

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum is hearing loss that occurs when noise enters the ear normally, but due to damage to the inner ear or the hearing nerve, the sound isn’t organized in a way that the brain can understand.

Symptoms include mild to severe hearing loss and trouble understanding speech properly.

Hearing loss can be debilitating. Untreated hearing loss will worsen and can affect everything from a decline in cognitive functioning to poorer mental health. Contact your hearing aid clinic for a free hearing evaluation today.

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